Garage door springs are the parts responsible for holding the heavy weight of your garage door, keeping it in place, making sure it stays balanced and smoothly opening and closing every time. The garage door springs are put under tremendous pressure every single time you open and close your door. The minimum weight of a modern garage door is at least 150 pounds, and some doors can weigh over 400 pounds. This is a lot to lift for such small parts. Think of it as running one mile, every time the springs hold your door properly in place as it goes up and down. Sooner or later, your garage door springs won’t be able to lift that heavyweight any longer. Some doors have only one spring, while larger doors will have multiple garage door springs. It all depends on the model, how old your garage door system is, how much traffic you have going in and out and how many times you open and close your door every day, and so on. But eventually, your garage door springs will have run too many miles, and it will give out and need to be replaced. It’s important to teach young children to respect the garage door opener system and never treat it as a toy. Not only does the needless opening and closing of garage doors reduce their lifespan, but could cause injuries to unsupervised children who want to play games with it.